Tuesday, March 17, 2015

One for the Road

It's feeling like summertime in the Lou! I think I brought the sun back from Puerto Rico with me. I spent this beautiful Tuesday afternoon on the deck drinking beers and my heart is very happy.

Tuesday's gone with the wind...... the only thing that makes this afternoon better is Skynard on the radio. I am a huge southern rock fan.. Lynard Skynard and Creedence are my favorites.

Wearing my new Tee from Mate the Label

Wearing my new Free People hat that didn't arrive in time before my trip... at least i'm getting some use out of it on this sunny day

Tuesday essentials

Hat: Sun n Sand from Free People, Shirt: Mate the Label, Flannel: Topshop, Shorts: One Teaspoon from Splash STL, Sunnies: Quay, Bag: Ash Worldwide, Shoes: Birkenstock

Beer of choice: Modelo (;


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